Wednesday, September 26, 2012


If you made it to Open House last week, you saw our display of self-portraits! The students drew their faces on the first day of school and will draw them again on the last day. Some of last year's students didn't believe me on the last day of school when I handed back their first day portraits... I heard a lot of "I didn't draw that!" I'm sure this year's students will show just as much change - they've ALREADY changed so much in their coloring and drawing skills since August !

Up and Running!

Well it's only taken 3 weeks, but our kindergarten website is up and running! In the next few days, you will see the website grow as I catch up on the many events and activities I have photographed from our first month at school. Thank you for your patience as our website grows! :)

I am so proud of my class and your children for the progress this month. It is amazing how quickly a 5-year old can adapt to a new routine! I have such a sweet group this year, and can't wait to show you all of their hard work and classroom achievements.

If you have any website requests as to what you'd like to see on this page, please feel free to leave a comment below!